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Forgotten Explorations was founded in 2019 by Austin Ingle as an “Urban Exploration” group as a way for highschool friends to reconnect, however life happens and changes occur. In the year 2022 Forgotten Explorations finally got their toes dipped into the paranormal waters with an entirely new team (other than Austin).
The team now includes Austin Ingle (Founder and Editor),
Austin Ingle believed in something after death his entire life, from an early age encounter with what he can only describe as a “demon” coming out of his closet. Austin was always scared of what was in this field, until he didn’t want to live in fear any longer and started up his paranormal team. Since he has dived into the paranormal field Austin has been on a total of 65 paranormal investigations, with a mixture of private and public investigations.
Eiji Southard (Supervisor of Photography),
Eiji Southard at a young age he was always fascinated by ghost stories, books, even movies and shows. It made him skeptical, thinking “Can something so unidentifiable truly exist?” When Austin asked him to join the team as a backup cameraman he felt it was a no brainer, and after his first encounter with investigating his skepticism vanished.
and Jacob Wheeler (Historian).
Jacob Wheeler got into the paranormal field from childhood friend and team member Eiji. Wheeler would support Forgotten Explorations by watching the videos they would produce. He believed that the evidence they caught was real, but was skeptical about how intense Forgotten Explorations made it seem. He “found out very quickly that yes, it truly is that intense.”
They have traveled all over the Northern East Coast investigating some of the most well respected and terrifying locations so far, including The Old Hospital On College Hill, Wilson Castle, Bacon’s Castle and Madison Seminary just to name a few. The team films and posts their findings in an episode styled format on their YouTube channel with the same name, and at the time of this posting are finishing up their second season of episodes with a third season releasing in February of 2024. Join Forgotten Explorations with their journey to giving a voice to those Forgotten.