The Rise of Overnight Psychics & Mediums on Social Media

Have you noticed the recent surge of ‘pop-up psychic mediums’ in social media bios? Is this a significant trend or simply a branding strategy?  “Is it the desire to stand out or the need for recognition amongst peers?”  It’s interesting how some people we’ve known for years have recently begun identifying as psychics, mediums, empaths, or using other trendy phrases to describe their abilities.  Please do not take this as an insult, but rather as advice before you go out and proclaim your newly given profession to the world. We must be responsible and considerate when dealing with the people we are reading for. We are representing spirits and their loved ones.  You have to ask yourself; can I give definitive, accurate information?  I like to call this the meat and potatoes of a reading.  Now, by saying I have a female with you; now, statistically, you have a fifty-fifty chance of that, and this is not really evidence.  As an example, during a recent reading, I had with a client, this is how the reading began.  First, let me say that I am so sorry for your loss.  I want to tell you I have a woman who says she is your mother. She passed away due to heart complications. She expressed remorse for keeping a secret from you regarding information about your birth, and she wished she had told you before she died. This woman confirmed that after her mother’s passing from a heart attack, she found out that her father was not actually her birth father.  Although I knew this was what her mother meant by a secret, I wanted to put it delicately.  I was able to give enough detail while being compassionate.  This is a woman who just lost her mother.  We have a duty to provide our clients with credible evidence while being mindful of their emotions.  My advice is to practice on family and friends before venturing out to do one-on-one readings and charging clients.  

In the ever-changing world of social media, an interesting trend has risen in recent years: the sudden rise of overnight psychics and mediums. These individuals, armed with nothing more than a smartphone and a proclaimed connection to the spiritual realm, have carved out a niche for themselves in the digital world. Their presence raises intriguing questions about belief, authenticity, and the role of spirituality.

What attracts people to these overnight psychics and mediums? One obvious factor is accessibility. Social media platforms provide a global stage where anyone can showcase their talents and reach a vast audience. For those seeking guidance or a spiritual connection, the convenience of accessing a psychic reading or mediumship session from the comfort of their home is undeniable.  I don’t blame them, as I believe my readings are even more accurate because my body is completely relaxed in a safe environment — my sanctuary, my home.

Moreover, these mediums often present themselves as relatable figures, sharing personal stories and offering comforting words. They influence the intimacy of social media to create a sense of trust and familiarity with their followers, which can be particularly appealing in uncertain times. But are they really giving a reading from a loved one or spirit or merely giving them advice or their own opinion?  As a practicing psychic medium and teacher, I have always taught my students that they must practice the art of meditation in order to make sure their connection to the spirits is authentic.  Most psychic mediums are aware of their gifts at an early age, so taking classes to learn how to hone these gifts is most beneficial.  However, if you never experienced a true connection, acquiring these gifts can take many years and endless hours of practice.  I still, to this day, will take classes to learn different techniques.  “You can learn how to paint, but not all will be a Michelangelo or a Picasso.”

The recent increase in social media psychics and mediums has raised concerns about their authenticity and ethical practices. Unlike traditional mediums who often undergo years of training and receive certification from reputable teachers, many social media mediums do not have formal credentials. While formal credentials are not a requirement for psychic mediums, the lack of regulation in this field creates opportunities for potential exploitation and misinformation. Some individuals may take advantage of vulnerable seekers searching for guidance. When I refer to credentials, I’m emphasizing that taking one class from a well-known psychic medium is not adequate to become a medium overnight. Please understand that I’m not criticizing, but rather offering advice based on my 30 years of experience. I have benefited greatly from taking classes with some of the best in the business, but I have already developed a strong connection to the spirit world. “To learn how to walk, one must first crawl.”

Can this be harmful to the people getting readings from these people?  I have personally witnessed the dangers of these readings affecting people’s decisions, especially if giving medical advice.  “I once had a hysterical woman come to me after having a reading with a “psychic” when she asked this person claiming to have the gift of foresight if her upcoming surgery would go well. She was told by this “psychic” she would die!  What??!!  I assured her that she would be fine and even gave her my personal phone number so she could call for reassurance.  Surgery was a success, which was necessary for her physical healing.  What if she did not have the surgery because of what this “psychic” told her?  This could have been catastrophic.  Please note although some do possess this gift of detecting medical conditions, we do not act or claim to be a substitute for real medical experts and always tell them to seek the professional advice of a professional doctor.  I was giving a reading live once when I could feel there was an issue with the woman I was reading; I told her I saw an issue with her pancreas (in a very non-alarming way) and assured her to have it checked with her doctor.  A month later, she came back to my live show and shared how the doctors discovered a mass on her pancreas. They were able to remove the mass, and she made a full recovery. 

Despite these challenges, the online medium community has fostered a sense of belonging for many individuals. Followers often form tight-knit communities around their favorite psychics and mediums, sharing experiences, testimonials, and advice. These communities serve as virtual support networks where members can discuss spiritual matters openly and seek guidance from peers who share similar beliefs, which I see as an absolute positive in our community of emerging psychic mediums.

Moreover, social media platforms provide a platform for marginalized voices within the spiritual community. Overnight psychics and mediums from diverse backgrounds have been able to find their audience and challenge the traditional hierarchy of spiritual authority, modifying access to spiritual guidance in the process.

One thing is clear: social media has forever changed the landscape of spirituality, offering both opportunities and challenges for those seeking connection and guidance. Whether you believe in their abilities or approach them with skepticism, overnight psychics and mediums are undeniably a product of our digital age, pushing the boundaries of what it means to access the spiritual realm in a modern, spiritually interconnected world.

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