2024 October Tarotscopes – By april Busset

April Busset, The Psychic Housewife of New Jersey and Celebrity Psychic Medium, natural-born clairvoyant, remote viewer, automatic writer & ghost hunter. April was featured on Travel Channel’s hit series “The Holzer Files”.

April works with some of the most well-known celebrities in the paranormal field, investigating the most notoriously haunted locations. April uses her abilities to connect with the spirits of the most intense hauntings and possessions in the United States. 

She successfully helped a family locate a loved one with the use of her ability to do remote viewing and worked on many missing persons cases.  April is currently working with the family of a missing persons case and has accurately given the names of the prime suspects only known to the police. She has also named a killer live on her show “Cocktails & Readings With April The Psychic Housewife of New Jersey”.

April has been communicating with spirits since the age of four after she was visited by her deceased father who passed away two years prior.

April has also accurately relayed messages from the spirits from the most haunted locations in the United States. 


We are finally coming to the end of our fifteen-year karmic cycle, which was like being punched from behind by an unknown force every month. As a fellow Aries, I am here to tell you that it is over!

It has been challenging and stressful for all Aries and Aries rising this month. You might have been forced out of situations, jobs, and some friendships, perhaps, but you now know that it was the universe’s way of getting you ready and available for your upcoming major job moves, which will put you in the spotlight. We, Aries, have been going through many ups and downs, most likely financially, but after October’s eclipse, you can stop holding your breath and waiting for that gotcha moment yet again. Most likely, you have made great connections regarding your career, even to the point of being involved with some significant opportunities. Some prospects might have fallen to the wayside, but not anymore. Anything you have worked on or have been offered will stick!! Woo hoo! Get ready for more money in the bank so you can finally spend on yourself instead of the unexpected expenses that keep coming out of left field. Saturn (the bitchy planet that likes to teach us a lesson and is always right) will be retrograde until November, and I can tell you from experience after being beaten down by her, she will graciously leave a little gift for us. She is the karmic planet, so she forces us to take care of any unfinished business. It sounds terrible, but it is something that we need to take care of eventually. Do not try to multitask too much; focus on one project at a time this month. Aries usually master this, but not now. Wait to get that one project off the ground, and then you can start on new projects by December and next year. This is a beautiful beginning for you, Aries. We might have a few more little bumps during October, but I promise it is over.


As we move into the coming months, it’s essential to reshuffle priorities and shine the spotlight on self-care. The past few months have been dedicated to taking care of others and placing family at the forefront. However, it’s time to carve out moments for personal rejuvenation.

A strong emphasis on financial matters will characterize September. New job prospects or astute investment decisions may present opportunities for significant returns. It’s likely that financial concerns have taken center stage recently, possibly leading to tensions within your relationship. The month may lead to pivotal discussions about expanding your family, or in case of ongoing discord, contemplating the possibility of separation.

Starting a new job could result in increased travel commitments. Additionally, you will be directing your attention towards nurturing your home and family life, seeking to strike a harmonious balance while prioritizing your personal time.


The next couple months will be more fast paced for you because Mercury retrograde kept you going backward every time. Geminis do not like that as your mind is so quick. You will be more productive in the coming months. Renovations around your home are highlighted, or you may be moving and paying out many expenses surrounding your home. Don’t worry, Geminis. By next year (which is not far off), more money will be coming in for you. I feel like it is through inheritance or winnings. Either way, your career will be kicking up a notch, so there will be a salary increase due to your great work and brilliant mind. This could very well lead to a new position or promotion. This looks to be something you did not expect and will come out of left field! Contracts will be reviewed and signed. Make sure to read all the fine print carefully. Well deserved, Geminis!

You will definitely be balancing career and home life, most likely helping out a family member while you try to maintain your job. October is going to be the perfect time if you are planning to start or expand your family.

A whole new way of life is opening for you as your life is going through a refresh! This is undoubtedly great news.


September might start out a little crazy for my little crabs, but don’t worry; you are about to embark on a new and improved life. The past couple of years were quite challenging, and you most likely are still clawing your way out of the obstacles thrown at you the past few months; if this is a financial matter, you most likely will be getting some relief from a relative or close friend. The next couple of months will also focus on long-distance travel, or you could focus on school or some certification. Legal matters that have been pressing you for the past few months will finally have a verdict and be settled.

As you can see, my little Cancerians, there is quite a smorgasbord of unfinished projects that have certainly been weighing heavy on your shoulders. We just need to get through the next few months, and everything should go back to normal. You will be in a much more favorable place and feel your world opening up exponentially. If you have been dealing with relationship issues where you felt there were some mistruths with a significant other, this will be cleared up by month’s end, and you will realize it was all a misunderstanding and miscommunication. Don’t worry, you will soon be out of this heavy energy, and things are about to improve!


My lucky Leos, over the next couple of months, your attention will be drawn to finance and the pursuit of increased wealth. It may appear that more money has been flowing out rather than coming in, leading to concerns about meeting financial obligations such as rent and mortgage payments. However, there are promising developments on the horizon for you. It seems that the effort you’ve been putting into a particular project, and the attention from influential individuals have left a strong impression. Prepare yourself for a potential promotion or a compelling job offer, as your professional reputation is set to soar, bringing forth the promise of financial abundance. While this might not be evident now, by the end of the month, you will witness the positive momentum building in your favor. It seems that towards the end of the month, an unexpected influx of money may materialize from a source other than regular income. This hints at a pattern of money flowing towards you like a magnet over the coming months.


Over the last year, you’ve found yourself grappling with profound existential uncertainties and concerns about the trajectory of your life as well as the dynamics within your personal relationships. You’ve been engaged in intense introspection, contemplating the viability of sustaining your current relationships, whether they be with your significant other, life partner, or business collaborator. It’s a period of deep self-examination where the central question lingers: are you genuinely content? This juncture calls for a deliberate focus on nurturing your overall well-being and embracing the pursuit of happiness. The eclipse will almost force you to make a big decision. As you move forward, it’s important to carefully contemplate the upcoming decisions, as they will lead to substantial changes in your life. This might sound overwhelming but rest assured that it will ultimately bring you happiness. This doesn’t necessarily imply that you will be terminating a relationship. Instead, it suggests gaining deeper insight and experiencing a breakthrough that will mend and fortify the bonds of your partnership. On the financial front, you will be finding new ways of making money, or something may fall into your lap.  


The cosmos is finally in sync with Libras, ushering in a time of harmony and balance. Despite the trials of recent years, you have been steadily ascending towards your goals. Although you haven’t reached the pinnacle just yet, it’s well within your grasp. You may have already witnessed a significant surge in your professional life, earning recognition and possibly securing a well-earned promotion. Even as you take on more responsibilities, likely due to someone else’s departure, your diligent efforts will not go unnoticed, bringing you further rewards. This hard work is laying a solid foundation for your future. Positive developments are also on the horizon in matters related to education and legal issues. While it may seem focused on work, finances, and career, these strides are paving the way for your long-term financial stability so you will be able to take that much need rest and relaxation to spend on yourself and with family.


You have been steadily working towards your goals, diligently reducing your bills. It’s been a challenging few years, trying to catch up and make ends meet. Finances have been tight for most Scorpios, but some lucky opportunities are about to come your way. You might come into some unexpected luck, such as winnings or inheritance. It seems like you are entering a fortunate phase, so it might be a good idea to consider entering contests or playing the lottery. Money and opportunities are definitely coming your way. If you’re single, someone special may be entering your life soon. If you’re married, you might be focusing on expanding your family. Finally, Scorpio, it’s your time to be happy. Your social media presence is also expected to grow as you work on communication projects, like a new podcast series, website, or possibly something with TV. You have always carried the world’s weight on your shoulders, but your time is coming soon!


Sagittarius, as the summer season fades away, it’s the ideal time for you to refocus on your professional endeavors and give it your all. You’re on the cusp of significant career progress, with influential individuals in your industry starting to acknowledge your contributions. It’s likely that you’ll soon attract the attention of a prominent figure who can open doors to new opportunities and elevate your career. However, this may come with some challenges on the domestic front, as your family might feel overlooked, particularly if your new role demands relocation or frequent travel. It’s imperative to engage in open discussions with your loved ones to find a harmonious solution. Despite the potential hurdles, rest assured that things will fall into place. Even if this transformation isn’t immediate, you should begin preparing for a substantial career leap in the upcoming months. In the interim, anticipate heightened expenses, but don’t be disheartened, as the start of January holds promising prospects of increased income, be it through a salary boost or a side hustle. Get ready for a new way of life in 2025! You’re killing it!


Capricorns, it’s time to wake up from a long sleep, and you are still a bit groggy; it may feel a bit disorienting at first, but there’s definitely a positive shift happening in your life. Things are finally falling into place in your favor, and both your personal and professional life are on the upswing. Many of you have likely already noticed this change. Remember how nothing seemed to work out around this time last year? Now, it feels like all your plans and efforts are magically falling into place. This is your time to shine! Nothing is holding you back anymore. It looks like this year will take you overseas and prepare you for expansion and self-promotion. Can you smell that? It’s the sweet scent of success, something Capricorns seem to naturally exude. (This should definitely be a cologne/perfume and, of course, created by a Capricorn). Some of you may be involved in writing or the digital world, and this expertise may lead to a writing project. If you’re starting a new business, it seems that important people will be eager to help or partner with you. Your keen business and financial instincts will come in handy for future partnerships or mergers. The signing of documents at the end of September into October will set you on a trajectory of success. You’re finally stepping into the spotlight, Capricorn!


Aquarius, my little underdogs. Wow, has it been quite an exciting life this past year. You are the King/Queen Midas of the Zodiac; it seems everything you touch is turning to gold. It’s funny all the astrologers keep talking about the cardinal signs of having a great year, and there you all are, popping champagne and celebrating. I truly feel it is the Aquarians that will have the best year ever. This is not by magic, though; this has been through the hard work you have put in. Your creative mind has been in high speed since last year and it seems you are unstoppable. That is because you have a long-term plan in your head, and nothing or no one will stop you. Your focus is now on the long term and family. Not that there is no time for fun; there will be a lot of that with some downtime and vacations with your family. Some of you have truly learned hard lessons in the past years regarding saving money. You will be focused on eliminating debts and consolidating. Now in business, make sure to carefully go over all contracts, because one of your many business partners might try to get out of a contract using a clause. Don’t worry; this is not due to poor management on your part but rather due to budget cuts on their end. There will be many more business opportunities coming your way. The universe has been watching your hard work and is ready to lend a helping hand.


My sweet Pisces, finally, the Universe is shining down on partnerships in love and career. You have been carefully orchestrating your life and what exactly you want in a partner. You have learned a lot of hard lessons over the year, and these lessons have molded you into a stronger and braver version of yourself. No more Mr./Miss Naïve. Watch out, world! With this said, you will most likely remove some friendships and business alliances from your life. Pisces are the most patient of all the zodiac, but they are starting to see some ties that must be cut for good reasons. Some will expose themselves to not having good intentions but instead, use your kind and gracious ways to excel themselves. No more; it’s time for my little fishes to bask in the spotlight, and you indeed will this year. Any actions you take now for your future will definitely work in your favor. Money will definitely be increasing by January for all of you, it will be some payout coming to you that is not through earned income which is certainly good news. Now onto the matters of the heart. You have been working on yourself both outwardly as well as internally, and it is showing which will attract love like a bee to honey. Certainly, a great outcome for you Pisces.

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