Shadow man in an old farmhouse

I grew up and lived on an old dirt road in McLoud, Oklahoma. Back then, the old road was dirt and nameless – it was Rural Route 79. My dad bought a house and 10 acres in the late 60s/early 70s (before I was born in 72). The original house was an old two-story farm house. It was built in the early 1900s, although, I don’t know the exact age. Beside the old two story farm house, we also had a single story home that had been bought and moved in from Midwest City. The single story home was originally in the Glenwood addition which was located right across the street from Tinker Air Force Base. There had been two plane crashes, one near-miss crash, and three deaths (two children (siblings) died in the first crash and a co-pilot lost his life in the second crash) so the government bought the land near the runway and sold the houses. My dad bought one of those houses and moved it out to our place and butted it up to the original two story farm house to make a pretty large sized home. The original farm house needed a lot of renovations and it was stripped down to the studs. There were two bedrooms upstairs which was where me and a couple of the other kids slept (there were six of us so we shared rooms). The house always had a creepy feel to it, and it had some strange things happen that couldn’t always be explained. Strange knocking was one of those things. For example, we were all goofing around one afternoon and we did the ‘shave and a haircut’ knock but we didn’t do the last two knocks ‘two bits’ to finish off the song. We heard the last two knocks and giggled thinking our dad was outside and knocked on the window. We went to check and no one was there. In fact, he and mom were asleep… so, who did the last two knocks…???…we never knew. This next part is the scariest encounter we had and even thinking about it now gives me a sick feeling. When I was a teen, my younger sister and I slept in the same room. The room had a pocket door which we left open. One night, I woke because something told me to WAKE UP, WAKE UP NOW! I woke to find a shadow man standing in the bedroom’s  threshold. The shadow man was causually standing in the doorway watching us sleep.I’m going to describe this shadow man before I go on with the rest of the story. He was short, and was about the height of a 5-6 year old child. He was completely black with no facial features. Even though he was without features, I knew he was a ‘he.’ He was a solid being with depth – not just a shadow if that makes sense. He had on a hat but the strange thing is he was standing directly in front of me and yet I could tell it was a “different” kind of hat. The closest thing I can compare it to is a mortaboard “graduation” type hat with points on the end. He was standing in the threshold, leaning with his right shoulder and hip touching the wall and had his left leg crossed over the other. So, back to the story. I very clearly heard in my head, in my dream, or maybe it was the Holy Spirit telling me to WAKE UP, WAKE UP NOW! (Those were the exact words I heard). I awoke to find the shadow man staring at me and watching me sleep. I started to yell at him to leave and to get out. He remained in exactly the same position despite my yelling. My younger sister, who shared a room with me, woke because I was shouting. She saw him too. She hollered at it and then said these words, “I rebuke you in Jesus’ name ” And, just like that he disappeared. He didn’t walk away, he didn’t run away, he just vanished. When he left, we stared at each other and discussed what we had just seen. We were describing him and were finishing each others sentences. Everything was exactly the same from the way he was leaning, to his leg over the other, and details about the strange pointy cornered hat. The whole interaction from beginning to end was under 5 min…probably under 2 min., yet, it felt like an eternity. I don’t know what it was. I don’t know what it was doing. I speculate it was evil and that it couldn’t cross the threshold of the bedroom. What I do know is that it was real, that someone or something told me to wake up, and that it vanished into thin air as soon as it heard Jesus’ name. Ever since that day, I never EVER leave my bedroom door open when I sleep. I do wonder what he was doing there? What was his purpose?The house sold after my father died in 2019, and I just recently saw that it had been renovated and was back on the market. I wish I knew if the owners experienced anything supernatural in that house because we did.

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