Tarotscopes – By april Busset

April Busset, The Psychic Housewife of New Jersey and Celebrity Psychic Medium, natural-born clairvoyant, remote viewer, automatic writer & ghost hunter. April was featured on Travel Channel’s hit series “The Holzer Files”.

April works with some of the most well-known celebrities in the paranormal field, investigating the most notoriously haunted locations. April uses her abilities to connect with the spirits of the most intense hauntings and possessions in the United States. 

She successfully helped a family locate a loved one with the use of her ability to do remote viewing and worked on many missing persons cases.  April is currently working with the family of a missing persons case and has accurately given the names of the prime suspects only known to the police. She has also named a killer live on her show “Cocktails & Readings With April The Psychic Housewife of New Jersey”.

April has been communicating with spirits since the age of four after she was visited by her deceased father who passed away two years prior.

April has also accurately relayed messages from the spirits from the most haunted locations in the United States. 


The last few years might have been a little rough for Aries. This will no longer be the case for you as you can see for the past year there has been a lot of change around your career and finances in a very big way.

You’re finally getting a break and now all eyes are on you! Just the way Aries like it. The focus has been on finances for the past few years and certainly not in the friendliest way. That is finally all behind you my fiery little Aries! Some of you have may have seen big changes in your career where very influential people have finally been recognizing you for your talent. You have creative juices are flowing and some of you might be starting your own side hustle or your own business. This is your time to shine. This spotlight is on you!


The past year has not been easy for you. This is not a comfortable place for you. You may have moved or had issues around the home/real estate, and on top of this you are probably taking care of others, which always seems to fall into your lap. Well, my little grounded Taurus people, things are starting to change for you in a big way. There have been some roadblocks and delays for you. Taurus loves security and this certainly has tested your patience. That is all behind you now. Life is about to become easier, and you can go back to your comfortable little cocoon. Peace is about to be restored!


My gentle little Geminis (my daughter is a Gemini) you may have been feeling torn between career and family. It seems you have been killing it in your career and being praised for your accomplishments by higher ups, but your heart has been pulling you towards family. Even though you look as you balance the two so well, your heart has been aching from the sacrifices you have made. In one hand you are doing this for the family but the guilt of not being present for them is weighing heavy on you. I promise you all you your hard work is beginning to pay off and now you will be able to reap the rewards!


Wow has it been a crazy few years for my moon children. Major breakups and unexpected expenses. Be patient because your love life is about to heat up and your life’s partner is riding in on a white horse! As for the financial bumps that may have hit you out of nowhere will soon be rectified. Also keep in mind that with that you may have lost some friends along the way, this happens when the universe wants to make room for all the new people coming in. It’s your turn to be happy moon child.


Hey Leos! Relationship may have been quite challenging, and you may have finally removed that toxic person from your life. Whew! That was rough period and money might have been flying out of your bank account due to large bills unexpectedly appearing out of nowhere. Ugggh!!! Don’t worry that should be ending soon so you can get that bank account back to where it was. Leo you are a master at always looking like a million dollars with your great fashion sense and luxurious taste. The Sun is always shining on you. Be patient.


This is probably an eye-opening time for you regarding a romantic partner. I think you have finally realized the once little quirks you loved so much are now not as cute but have become more annoying. You have tried to fix this but even our little Virgos who can usually fix and organize anything cannot this time. That’s because the universe is working in your favor to release and move things out of your way to bring in new and exciting people into your life. This is a good thing. Also, you may have been feeling stifled at your job but good news is coming regarding your career. A change perhaps? The world is yours Virgos just reach out and grab it!


Libras had have had quite a rough few years possibly financially and being misunderstood at time. This certainly threw your well-balanced scales off. Get ready libras! You are about to become hot, hot, hot! The spotlight is on you not only in your career but personally. You have seemed to become irresistible as if you have some magic spell on you. Get ready to bask in the spotlight amongst coworkers, friends and loved ones.


You may not have been feeling unappreciated and unloved lately. Well, my mysterious scorpions that’s about to change period any projects you have been working on will be coming to fruition and finally you’re getting the recognition you deserve. Your popularity will be in full effect. Switching up now to romance this will be a time to make that decision. Where is this relationship going? This is a make-or-break moment. Either way Scorpio you win big by making the right decision.


You may have been traveling a lot (of course you are a Sag) And dealt with delays but after the retrogrades you’ll be back to your adventurous self. Your career has been slow but that’s okay, it’s time to recharge and reset! There may be career change now and in the coming months. Sagittarius loves adventure so bring it on! Some Sagittarians might have been thinking about moving that’s because your focus has been on family and what’s best for them. I told you the lights are shining on your career and lots of opportunities coming your way so get ready!


My best ambitious little Capricorns! Your hard work has certainly paid off and it is showing! There is a lot of career success shining on you now. You have been clinging to your money, after the past few years have not been friendly to you. Well, that’s over! More opportunities and more money are coming your way! I also see a new apartment or home this year for you. You know when you make major changes the universe fills those gaps with good stuff for you. Relationships may have been shaky for a while but you’re now back on track and even the possibility of maybe thinking of expanding the family. Either way you are back on track


The past few months you might have seen large bills coming at you or have been making large purchases. It was much needed, but the timing could have been better. This is a good time to start financial management so you will be better prepared in the future. Not to worry you will be earning more money this year. All your hard work is paying off. Money will begin to flow easier for you. This might have affected the home front in some ways. This is now over, and you will have a renewal in your relationship. You get a fresh start Aquarius. Luck is now on your side


My sensitive little fishes. It may seem you have been walking through life in an almost dreamlike state. Wandering and asking yourselves is this the life I really want? No, it’s not and there’s so much good stuff coming for you. Some of you may have encountered some friendships/love interests that were not who they portrayed themselves to be. This was a good lesson because it made you stronger, giving you a purpose to do better. That’s exactly what is happening now. Some of you might find finally take that leap to start your own business and others find their happily ever after or both. There is definitely a rainbow with a pot of gold few pieces so go grab it!

The Review

9.5 F*ng Amazing!
9.3 Others review
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