Future Ghosts paranormal of nj

Mission Statement:
To explore the paranormal realm in a way that is respectful to the paranormal community, the locations that we visit and spirits that we encounter in order to bring awareness to the paranormal world and to the history and restoration of the locations we investigate.

Team Bio:

Jim and Linda began investigating the paranormal over 3 years ago when they started to experience unexplainable events in their previous home.  Linda began sharing her stories with her coworkers, Laurie and Alicia, whom always had an interest in the paranormal due to personal experiences.  The ladies soon shared similar paranormal stories while working in an old hospital together.  From there the 4 of them began investigating as a group and FGP was formed.

Not long after the formation of FGP they discovered family and friends that were also drawn to the paranormal world. Linda’s sister, Carolyn, has been sensitive to the paranormal from a young age. She has been an integral part of the group from the beginning with her expertise in capturing video evidence. Fellow videographer and Alicia’s best friend, Taran, enjoyed hearing stories of the FGP investigations and began attending. With the addition of Jim’s friend and wingman, Brian, we started to form what we call our Paranormal Family.  Our most recent member, Kelly, has a long history of investigating the paranormal. She brings so much knowledge and experience to our family.

Jim: Investigator

Linda: Event planner

Laurie: Site researcher

Alicia: Social media manager

Carolyn: Sensitive and videographer

Brian: Investigator

Taran: Videographer and editing

Kelly: Investigator

Video Interview Coming Soon!

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